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DP pic

Monday, February 7, 2011

SO I / 그래서 난

I just want to love U...
U open up my heart...
So I..........

I know and believe in love at first sight...
When I open my eyes in the morning I can feel...
The kiss that left me in last night's dream...
That feeling still there and I smile all day thinking about U...

So I pray for U...
So I promise U...
I promise U everything...
I am going to believe that its U...

Will U come to me?
I want to be just a little closer to ur embrace...
I love U MY LOVE...
I am always going to be this way...

Then and now the those words still make my heart race...
I wait but I am afraid that this feeling of emptiness might just be my own selfishness...
Even if I am afraid of loneliness, I genuinely want U...

So I pray for U...
So I promise U...
I promise U everything...
I am going to believe its U...

Will U come to me?
I want to be just a little closer to ur embrace...
I love U MY LOVE...
I am always going to be this way...

You are the only ONE makes my heart race and the only ONE for me...
I LOVE U so much like this...
I LOVE U and I am always thankful

So I pray for U...
So I promise U...
I promise U everything...
I am going to believe that its U...

Will U come to me?
I want to be just a little closer to ur embrace...
I love U MY LOVE...
I am always going to be this way...

SO I..................


  1. " I know and believe in love at first sight..." wauuu love at 1st sight...romantik yerrr ehehheh teringat kak ju masa zaman nakal dulu2...sama gak ehikhikhik :P

    p/s kena cr strategi lain utk negara....pk2 jgn x pk aifa ehhehe

  2. tu ler....bkn sng nk dpt love at first sight then that love become deeper day to day....hohoohho

    p/s: baik...akan diusahakan...tp wat masa ni buntu ler kak ju...:((

  3. sedaplah lagu So I dlm blog aifa nih...lovely...anugerah tidak ternilai kerana mereka mempunyai voice yg plg sedap utk didengar :D layannn.....(Will you come to me) kihkihkih
